90 Day Fiancé Wiki

Big Ed Brown The Fucking Faggot With No Fucking Neck

Midget is the preferred nomenclature of the vertically retarded. For whatever bizzare reason, they prefer to be reffered to as "dwarves", but why in the fuck would you ever want to be called that? Dwarves are mythological creatures of short height; that sounds way more offensive than calling them "midgets", because it sounds like it's meant to imply that these midgets are mythological creatures that shouldn't exist, implying further that they're abominations; apparently Midgets are masochistic. A more lulzy nickname for these folks is "kickables".

Midgets don't tend to have a culture. They spend their time making really bad internets porn that is sent to you via email resulting in Anti-lulz. The "midget's" main occupations consist of being on TV or pushing trolleys around your local shopping center, or you can buy them as pets over the black market/eBay. Some famous know midgets are Wee-man, that weird little Irish guy on WWE. It is known that a midget did the voice of the gay car of Knight Rider. Sadly he passed away when the key broke in the lock and being a midget, no one really gave a shit. More Anti-lulz for midgets and the really gross one of Big Brother Australia they leach of the government by saying they have a black person. They also get a TV show complaining about people paying out on them. A rare occurrence is an Azn midget which are rarely seen.

Midget culture is almost entirely made up of costume parties, alcoholism, drug addiction and depression. No one hates themselves more than a midget does. They prefer only to come out at night, scurrying beneath the mundane's feet throughout the day as they make their way from porn studio to porn studio. Every midget knows at least three famous midgets: if you meet a midget, a good way to break the ice is to ask which famous midgets he or she has met at midget conventions. Midgets have many interesting career options. They can wrestle, be a bowling ball, be an actor or actress, be wee-man or collect black person.



"Word" ― Episode



90 Day Fiance
1 (Russ & Paola) (Alan & Kirlyam) (Louis & Aya) (Mike & Aziza)
2 (Yamir & Chelsea) | (Mohamed & Danielle) | (Justin & Evelin) (Brett & Daya) | (Jason & Cássia) | (Danny & Amy)
3 (Mark & Nikki) (Alexei Brovarnik & Loren Goldstone) (Kyle Huckabee & Bajaree "Noon" Boonma) (Devar Walters & Melanie Bowers) (Fernando Verdini, & Carolina) (Josh Strobel & Aleksandra Iarovikova)

4 (Male & Female) (Male & Female) (Male & Female)

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